Monday, September 29, 2008

Part II: Surveying Art Journals

From the list provided, I chose to follow Cineaste for the remainder of the semester. It's a magazine-like journal, yet not light on content. I tried to pick up Millenium Film Journal and almost broke my arm. I `do` admire the works of Stan Brackhage, but I'd rather focus on something I have a somewhat previous knowledge of.

The content of Cineaste, however, is not old news to me. It just happens to be about films I don't think I'll particularly get a chance to be introduced to through Carl's lectures. There was an article on "No Country for Old Men", the films of Manuel de Oliveira, and even Luis Buñuel. I think I'll enjoy the commentaries.

"What makes No Country for Old Men a brilliant - and courageous - film is that the Coen Brothers, following Cormac McCarthy's lead, have made nihilism such an integral part of every aspect of the filmmaking process. There is simply no way out". -- Royal Brown


Carl Bogner said...

Hey, I like Cineaste too. The current issue has articles on three of my favorite makers - Guy Maddin, Chris Marker, and William Klein. And I like this publication for that - its scope unexpected, international, interesting. I look forward to your posts on it.

You can see the guidelines for the next blogs on the D2L site. Those blogs are due 29 October.

Can I ask you a question? While I believe you admire "No Country for Old Men" more than I do -- hey, we can talk -- I wanted to ask you about Cormac McCarthy. Re-reading "Waiting for Godot" last week, I decided I wanted to read "The Road" - have you read? Do you find them related? The library is currently out of a copy but I hope to get my hands on it soon. Do you recommend? What other McCarthy?

Thanks for whatever time you have for that. I look forward to your readings on Cineaste.

Carl Bogner said...

Also - which issue of Millenium threatened your arm?